Pet Articles

A Little Bit About the History of Cats

Cats have lived in the world of humans ever since anyone can remember. These feline friends have been around for a long time that they seem to have forever been in existence. Certainly, they had to come from some place and researchers from all over the world are attempting to determine such interesting facts about domestic cats. Just like nature, these pets had a lot to say in their own destiny since it is unthinkable for these creatures to have evolved in other ways.

Every household cat in all parts of the globe has originated from merely 5 lineages in the Fertile Crescent.

According to scientists who studied the DNA of about a thousand domestic and feral cats, there is not much variety among domestic ones. It is amazing that all domestic cat breeds that people are familiar with came from just five lineages, namely: the central Asian wildcat, the Chinese desert cat, the near eastern wildcat and the sub-Saharan African wildcat. All original cats stayed in a small territory called the Fertile Crescent that stretches from the eastern Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.

One scientist said that based on their studies, cats were not trained as house pets in any other part of the world. They were domesticated by those who lived in the Fertile Crescent even before they were brought by people to other places worldwide.

Domestic cats of today have evolved from wilder predecessors 130,000 years past however they have only been traced back about 12,500 years. These pets may have more ferocious relatives but long ago, they have diverted from these big cats.

Cats are not like any other domestic pet since they are able to domesticate themselves, which is not surprising at all.

People with pet cats know that felines will seldom do anything except if they wanted to. Cats began to show their willingness as soon as they become loyal companions. They protected the crops of humans from rodents and pests. When people realized the advantages of having cats like keeping the vermin away, they wanted to keep them on purpose.

Cats can be very useful and for this reason, people take along their cats whenever they traveled to other distant places. Cats, realizing the value of human and pet relationship, cooperated.

Cats with the Egyptian lineage dominated the modern cats of today.

Egyptians are known to revere cats. As a matter of fact, Bastet, the Egyptian goddess of love had a cat's head. Moreover, in ancient Egypt, when a person is proven to have killed a cat, he will be sentenced with death. Egyptians have a high regard for cats that is why they keep them as pets. Probably, most of the cats nowadays come from the Egyptian cat lineage.

According to scientists, Egyptian cats may have become the most popular lineage since they were highly revered. In addition, they consider these cats to be better pets because they are tamer and more sociable.

CBD Oil for Dogs: A Miracle Medicine for All the Dogs Out There

Having a sick pet at home can be very stressful for their owners, as one spends all their time searching for the medicines and treatments for them. There are several treatments and medicines available, but it is not necessary that they will be effective on all kinds of dogs. Also, these medicines usually have a lot of side effects too which can lead to reduced functionality in a dog.

But in recent times, there is one medicine that is doing rounds in the pet world and that is CBD. There are several benefits of CBD on a pet's health, especially it helps in promoting homeostasis which is important for balancing temperature and gives a therapeutic effect.

What is CBD?

Before understanding all the benefits of the best CBD treats for dogs, let's know what CBD is.

  • CBD is cannabidiol and is extracted from the cannabis plant.
  • The species of the cannabis plant that is used to extract CBD is hemp.
  • There are several cannabinoids that can be extracted from the cannabis plant and this is one of them.
  • Cannabidiol will not get pet high.
  • Lower amounts of THC.
  • It is non-psychoactive in nature.
  • It has no known toxicity level, which means no overdose.
How does CBD help?

Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system which handles various processes like immunity, sleep cycle, memory and other functions of a body. Dogs also have the same endocannabinoid system which can interact with endocannabinoids which are released by the brain. But to supplement this supply of endocannabinoid from the brain, one can introduce it externally. This is why it is effective in dogs too, and one can use CBD oil for dogs without any side effects.

What are the benefits of the CBD?

There are several benefits of using CBD for dogs. Let's list some of the very effective ones:

  • Anti-inflammatory
Cbd helps in evoking immune responses and that is why it can reduce any kind of inflammation. It can help in reducing pain caused due to any kind of arthritis, bowel irritation etc.

  • Pain-killer
Cbd helps in stopping the absorption of anandamide, which is the natural pain killer. With increased levels of anandamide in blood it helps in reducing the pain sensations.

  • Anti-convulsant
It helps in restoring abnormal working of neurons. Abnormal working of the neurons usually leads to seizures and tremors, thus CBD helps in reducing seizures.

  • Anti-anxiety
CBD has an anti-anxiety effect and reduces stress and various phobias. Cbd targets serotonin receptors which helps in increasing the serotonin level which curbs any kind of anxiety and fear in all kinds of organisms and in this case dogs.

  • Anti-emetic
CBD is helpful in controlling vomiting and nausea in dogs. As it is very common to have nausea while undergoing certain treatments like chemotherapy, CBD can help in this situation and also curb loss appetite.

  • Anti-cancer
Malicious tumors are common in pets and it means the dog needs to undergo chemotherapy, which leads to various side-effects. Now it is proven that CBD also has anti-cancerous properties that it can slow the growth of the tumor and even reduce its size in some cases.

All in all, one can say that CBD is a miracle medicine for pets all around. They show exemplary effectiveness among dogs in treating their problems which otherwise would take a lot of medicines and hours with a veterinary. So do not think before choosing the best CBD dog treats to help them in their health troubles.

Best Pets For Kids

Research has shown that animal companionship is good for our health and wellbeing. Pets can have a particularly positive affect upon children. An animal can prove to be an object of great love and affection for a child. In addition, pets are often the first experience of responsibility for many kids. Moreover, the comfort of an unconditionally loving companion will be a memory that stays with a child long into adulthood.

Therefore, wherever possible every child should have a pet of some description. Obviously, allergies or other circumstances may rule some furry creatures out, but any little friend will be greatly appreciated and enormously loved by your child. Listed below are just some of the animals that could be the perfect companion for your kid.


Anybody that had a dog as a child will remember that first four-legged friend very fondly. Dogs can make excellent pets for children, because they are loyal, loving and typically very patient. Additionally, a dog can make a wonderful playmate, which is not the case with some less robust animals. Which breed of dog you choose, will very much depend upon the age and temperament of your child. For example, breeds such as the Labrador and Dalmatian are bundles of energy and enthusiasm that cannot get enough playtime. On the other hand, giant breeds like the Newfoundland or Mastiff are good with children of any age, due to their incredible patience and protective nature.


If you do not have the space, time or money to care for a dog, you may like to consider a smaller member of the animal kingdom. A rabbit is a very common children's pet. Usually, a rabbit's needs are simple and, therefore, they are reasonably easy to care for. In addition, they are very gentle creatures that enjoy being stroked. However, it is always advisable to ensure your child is not over exuberant in petting a rabbit and if you have more than one make sure they are the same sex, otherwise you could very quickly have many more rabbits than you bargained for.


Another small pet with relatively simple needs, the hamster, is a favorite among children. Being nocturnal, hamsters are ideal if the family is at work and school during the day, because your furry friend will only be active when you are at home. Unlike many small mammals, in their natural state, most breeds of hamster live alone, therefore, it may be the perfect pet if you are only looking to purchase one animal.

Rats or Mice

Despite their bad reputation in some circles, rats make excellent pets. They are clean, intelligent and extremely affection towards their human companions. Similarly, mice make great first time pets. If you plan to get mice or rats, bear in mind that these creatures are not loners by nature, therefore they need the company of their own species as well as humans.


A fish may not seem like an exciting pet and admittedly you cannot cuddle or stroke them. However, if you or your children suffer from pet allergies, fish could be the ideal solution. Moreover, it has been proven that fish can be very relaxing and effective in relieving stress and tension. Additionally, they are easy to care for and do not pose huge problems if the family plans to go away for a few days.

Of course, these are just a few of the pets that you may consider for your child. Alternatively, you might like to research more unusual animals, such as tarantulas, lizards or snakes. Nevertheless, whichever pet you and your child choose, you should ensure that it can be correctly cared for. Pets are wonderful, but they are also a long-term commitment, so be sure you are prepared for the long haul.

Dog Dangers in Your Home

Some dogs have a tendency of trying to eat just about everything they come across. In most cases, this causes some slight discomfort. There are things, however, that can be dangerous enough to be deadly to your dog if he eats them.

Here is a short list of products you should keep away from your dog. To keep from repeating this warning, I'll put it here in bold letters:


1) Antifreeze: Many people do not realize it, but common antifreeze kills many pets each year. It smells and tastes very sweet to your dog and is very appealing to him. Very small amounts can cause kidney failure that can be fatal in just a few days..

2) Chocolate: Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine which is toxic to dogs. Baking chocolate and dark chocolate are especially dangerous. If you find that your dog helped himself to chocolate, get him to the vet immediately. While chocolate ingestion is rarely fatal, it can result in significant illness in your dog.

3) Caffeine: Caffeine ingestion can cause severe illness and at high doses can even cause seizures and death. We don't generally think of dogs lapping up coffee but sweetened soda is loaded with caffeine and when spilled, especially on the floor, has a great appeal for dogs.

4) Bleach: As you might imagine, household bleach is toxic to dogs. The odor of bleach is very irritating to the skin, lungs and eyes, not only to people but also to dogs and other animals. If your dog walks through a puddle of bleach on your floor, you should thoroughly rinse his feet to remove any bleach trapped between his toes or foot pads as well as any affected area such as the skin and fur.

5) Tylenol: As little as two regular strength Tylenol tablets can kill a small dog. The effect it has on the liver is generally the problem with Tylenol ingestion. If you think your dog has eaten Tylenol, look for depression as well as rapid breathing and nausea and drooling after 1-4 hours.

6) Watch Batteries: If your dog ingests a watch battery, it can cause a potentially fatal ulceration in the stomach within 12 hours. All other alkaline batteries are toxic to dogs as well. If your dog bites and punctures a battery, it will leak and burn your pet's mouth, esophagus and/or stomach.

7) Moth Balls: Moth balls are very dangerous to dogs. They contain an insecticide that causes central nervous system excitement and seizures. Don't put mothballs in gardens as your dog may eat them. Some chemicals in mothballs can cause reversible health effects, including headaches, eye and nose irritation and severe coughing.

8) Fabric Softeners and other detergents: All sorts of household detergents are toxic to dogs at one level or another, but fabric softeners fall into the highly toxic category. The main symptoms in your dog generally are headache, dizziness and fatigue.

9) Mouthwash: Mouthwash can contain boric acid which is highly toxic to dogs. Symptoms of poisoning by mouthwash include vomiting, drooling, seizures, and coma.

10) Peach Pits: With most fruits, the pits and the seeds are toxic to dogs. Signs of poisoning include drooling, vomiting, and lethargy.

11) Household Plants: Many common and popular household plants are highly toxic to dogs. A partial list of toxic plants includes poinsettias, lilies, ferns, devil's ivy, aloe, and ivy.

Again, to repeat, if you think your dog may have eaten any of these substances, or anything else that could poison him, call the poison control center immediately. It could save your dog's life.

Traveling With Your Pet

You've decided to take your pet along on vacation. It will be more fun, and you won't have to worry about leaving a member of your family behind in an unfamiliar kennel. With some extra planning and forethought, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip with your pet.

Taking a Road Trip

If you're driving with your pet, you'll need to find a comfortable and safe way for your pet to travel. You can place your pet in a carrier and secure it in the car. Alternatively, you can purchase a seatbelt-like harness for your pet that will allow him to be out of the carrier but still safely restrained. It isn't safe to allow your pet to roam freely in the car. He can be seriously hurt in the event of even a minor accident, and he is much more likely to escape and become lost when you make stops.

Don't leave your pet alone in the car, especially in hot weather. The heat can quickly become life-threatening. If your pet becomes carsick easily, you may want to ask your veterinarian for motion-sickness medicine before the trip.

Carry some of your pet's Food along with you, and feed your pet only small amounts of Food at a time. If your trip is short, you may want to have your pet wait and eat when you arrive to avoid carsickness. You should also carry some of your pet's water along, or purchase bottled water. Local tap water may contain different minerals or sulphur, which might upset your pet's stomach.

Flying with your pet

Many pet owners do not like to fly with their pets because it can be traumatic for them, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Unless your pet is very small, he will fly as cargo and not in the cabin with you. Check with your airline to determine what type of carrier is acceptable and what rules apply to flying with a pet. Also ask what safety precautions are in place, what conditions the pet will fly in, etc. Ask your veterinarian if your pet is well enough to fly or if there are any special precautions you should take.

International Travel

Taking your pet out of the country requires careful planning. Check the regulations for the country you are traveling to and verify that your pet has the required vaccinations. In some cases, you'll need to have the vaccines administred weeks before your departure date.

Most countries will require a Rabies Vaccination Certificate and a Health Certificate. Your veterinarian can help you obtain both of these. The country you are traveling to may require that you complete paperwork gaining permission to bring your pet into the country. Also, some countries have quarantine regulations that may require your pet to remain in a kennel for up to several months.

Pet Friendly Hotels

A quick search on the Internet can help you find hotels that are receptive to pets. Many travel sites also allow you to specify only pet-frienly accommodations. Check with the hotel to find their specific rules regarding staying with a pet.

If your pet requires walks, ask for a room that opens on the outside. This will be more convenient for those late night trips outdoors.

Many alternative lodging sites, such as resorts, cabins and bed and breakfasts are also open to receiving pets. Check ahead of time for availability where you're traveling. Since many of these vacation spots offer outdoor activities, they can be great options for pet owners.

What Will your Pet do All day?

You know how you'll travel, and you've found a hotel that will welcome your pet, so now what? What will your pet do all day when you're out having fun?

An outdoor vacation is an ideal choice if you're traveling with pets. Consider renting an RV and taking a camping vacation. Many RV rental agencies allow pets with an extra deposit. A trip to the beach is another good choice for pet owners. However, keep in mind that sand can be irritating to some pets, especially dogs with deep skin folds. Some animals are bothered by long sun exposure as well.

If you're spending a lot of time outdoors, keep plenty of cold water on hand and watch your pet for signs of heat exhaustion.

Some restaurants now provide outdoor seating that is also pet friendly. Check ahead of time if any are available near where you are staying. If you'd like to spend mealtime with your pet and no pet-friendly restaurants are close by, you might consider takeout or even picnicing outdoors.

What if you're taking a more traditional vacation? Many tourist attractions will not welcome your pet, and it isn't a good idea to leave your pet alone in a strange hotel room all day. You may be able to place your pet in his carrier for shorter excursions, but for all day trips, consider researching pet daycare centers or kennels available in the area. You can leave your pet for a few hours in a safe environment but still enjoy his company on your trip.

What to Take Along

Bring your pet's Food along or plan to buy it as needed. This is not a good time to change your pet's diet, and you should certainly avoid giving your pet any table scraps. Traveling can be stressful regardless of how careful you are, and you don't need the added complication of stomach upset for your pet.

Don't give your dog the local water, especially if you're traveling internationally. It's safer to give your pet only bottled water to avoid possible stomach upset.

Bring along any medicines your pet takes, including vitamins, flea medicines, heart worm prescriptions, etc. You should also bring some basic first-aid supplies in case of injury. Ask your veterinarian what should be included in your pet's first aid kit. These might include medicines for stomach upset and a mild tranquilizer in case your pet becomes extremely agitated. You can purchase pre-stocked pet first aid kits at many pet supply stores.

To make your pet more comfortable, bring along a few items from home. Bring some of your pet's bedding and a few of his favorite toys. Bring only treats your pet has eaten in the past with no stomach upset. Again, this isn't the time to try any new Foods. The carrier you bring should be large enough for your pet to remain comfortably inside for a few hours. He should be able to stand, lie down and turn around easily within it. Also, be sure your pet has fresh water available within the carrier.

A Pre-Trip Checklist

Make an appointment with your veterinarian. Have your pet examined and any vaccinations done that are needed. Ask if your pet is healthy enough to travel, and ask for advice concerning any of your pet's health conditions. Remember that if you are traveling outside the country, you may need to plan weeks in advance.

Make sure your pet has current identification attached to his collar, and that it fits well and isn't likely to slip off. You might want to consider having an identification chip implanted before your trip, but you'll need to discuss with your veterinarian how soon your pet can travel after the procedure.

Gather phone numbers for veterinarians, pet emergency care facilities, kennels, etc. before you leave for each place where you'll be staying. If an accident or illness does occur, you'll be grateful that you don't have to take the time to find someone to care for your pet.

Make a packing list for your pet based on his needs and what your veterinarian recommends. Double-check it as you pack his things. Take your veterinarian's phone number along with you in case you need to call and ask a last minute question or have your pet's records sent to another clinic.

Take time to get your pet used to his carrier, especially if it's new. If you're driving, take your pet in the car for practice trips before the big day so it won't be so traumatic. Another benefit to this approach is that you'll learn if your pet become motion sick easily.

If you're traveling with your cat, bring a litterbox and litter along with you. It's easier to purchase cheap plastic litterboxes and throw them away rather than try to clean and transport them. If traveling with a dog, be sure to bring baggies to clean up after your pet's walks.

Embarrassing and Alarming Moments

Pets get stressed when traveling, so accidents can and will happen. Bring some disposable wipes and plastic baggies to clean up after your pet. Another good idea is bringing a small bottle of enzyme based cleaner. If your pet selects the hotel carpet as the perfect spot for his accident, this can remove the odor and stain before it has a change to set.

Never open your pet's carrier unless you're in an enclosed room. Pets can move much more quickly than you can, and nothing will ruin your vacation faster than losing your traveling companion.

Traveling with your pet can be challenging, but with some planning ahead, it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Trying a short weekend trip before a longer vacation can also help your pet acclimate to travel, and you will learn how well your pet travels.

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